Real teachers, real students, real participation, real learning…
Online Real Time Classes
Online Real Time students learn and engage with our tutors and students in the classroom for a lively and robust academic experience. No boring videos. No outdated topics. Every class is truly LIVE. Online Real Time students join their peers to participate during class in real time, receiving accountability and encouragement from their instructor.
Our state-of-the-art DTEN smart board technology has now opened the door for us to serve families in different states or even around the world!

An Online Real Time student looks like…
Students who cannot attend our On Campus classes
Students outside of the Chattanooga, TN area
Students with medical situations limiting their ability to attend classes
Students who travel extensively with their families
Student athletes training at a high level who need a very flexible schedule
Students without reliable transportation
Students on a waitlist for our On Campus classes
Students sign on to ZOOM during their regular class time schedule using a code and password.
The instructor welcomes everyone and takes roll with all students verbally responding “here” (on campus AND Online Real Time students).
Class discussions include interaction from all students together. Sometimes Online Real Time students will be placed in a breakout room to work in small groups.
Any quizzes or tests taken in the classroom will be shared with Online Real Time students prior to class or in the moment on the DTEN smart board screen.
Online Real Time students will give presentations to the class, just like an on campus student.
When class is over on campus, the instructor will touch base with the Online Real Time students to see if they have any questions before signing off.
How It Works
Our goal is to provide a quality, Christ-centered education that is accessible to ALL homeschool families! We have an amazing faculty that we are excited to share with more students around the world! All of our courses are comprehensive, requiring no preparation from the parent and providing detailed assignments for students to complete throughout the week. Along with this, Hilger Higher Learning sends a report card at the end of each semester highlighting the student’s academic progress and character qualities. Parents can come alongside their student and answer any questions they may have, or they can simply have their student contact the teacher with their questions. As parents do remain the ultimate authority, they will assign letter grades and ensure their family is homeschooling legally within their local context. We encourage all of our families, especially the Online Real Time families, to join Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) for added protection and advice throughout their homeschool journey.
All students must adhere to the guidelines within the Hilger Higher Learning Handbook.
Online Real Time (ORT) students must be on time to all classes and will be considered tardy if they are not present at the assigned class time.
ORT students must have working video and audio capability prior to the start of class. They also must have a working printer to print off handouts, weekly homework sheets, quizzes, tests, etc.
ORT students must prepare ahead of time by going to the class website to make sure they have all materials necessary for class that day, including all printed off classwork, quizzes, tests, lab supplies, lab sheet, etc.
ORT students MUST be efficient at emailing documents in the PDF format (using the “notes” app provided on every iPhone or any other scanning device). Each assignment must be sent with the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the class time, and the class name in the subject line. Multiple-page assignments must be merged together and sent as one file. Do not send separate files for each page of the assignment.
Video must be turned on at all times so the teacher can see the ORT students.
ORT students will remain muted unless they are speaking to the class or the teacher. And they must be prepared to speak and respond in real time throughout the class, as though they were in person.
ORT students will be held to the same standards of behavior and participation as any student attending on campus classes at Hilger Higher Learning.
ORT classes are all offered in Eastern Time (ET).
ORT classes utilize the ZOOM platform, so ZOOM must be installed on the student’s device of choice.