Hilger Activities

All Hilger activities are for our families and are either free or cost little. We plan a variety of educational, fun, and social activities for our Elementary, Middle, and High School students.  Our monthly emails will have all the details! We also have several field trips throughout each semester; these are organized by your student’s teachers. If you’d like to see a list of this year’s events & activities you can visit our Calendar page on the website.

Athletics & Other Activities

While the following are not Hilger Higher Learning affiliated sports and activities, we know and trust them and think they are doing an excellent job.

Baseball – Chattanooga Patriots

Basketball – Chattanooga Patriots

Cheer (Girls) – Chattanooga Patriots

Cross Country and Track – Chattanooga Patriots

Girls’ Softball – Chattanooga Patriots

Girls’ Volleyball – Chattanooga Patriots

Mock Trial – Jeff Atherton email: jmatherton@aol.com – Ph. (423) 344.7390

Prom – go to the CSTHEA website and look at the Banquet information

Soccer – Chattanooga Patriots

Track and Field – Chattanooga Patriots

Wrestling – Strong Rock Academy

Community Service

Calvin Donaldson Environmental Science Academy
We have had several students, staff and parents give their time, energy and resources to Calvin Donaldson Environmental Science Academy. Calvin Donaldson is an elementary (K-5th grade) school located in an urban setting in south Chattanooga, right near the foot of Lookout Mountain in the Alton Park area. The students are largely African-American and from underprivileged families. The school is on the failing school list and receives extra federal funding to address the academic deficiencies, but this still does not even come close to meeting their needs academically. Volunteers help with basic reading, writing and math skills. Students and adults can help once a week or bi-weekly on the same day at the same time. This sort of regularity helps create continuity for the kids, the teacher and the volunteer. The availability for volunteers is anytime between 8:30am and 3:00pm. There are even opportunities for families to participate together.  Lastly, please be reassured that the campus of Calvin Donaldson is a safe place for you and/or your children to participate. For information on how to participate, please 
contact us or give the school a call.

Widows Harvest Ministry
Widows Harvest Ministry invites homeschooling families of the Chattanooga area to participate in work projects (construction, paint, yard work, etc.) that will help students learn skills in home repair, bless widows in our city, and count as community service time on top of all that. Widows Harvest Ministry is a ministry to widows and by widows (they have a prayer ministry) that has had a presence in Chattanooga for the last three decades. Several local schools are currently working with them and they thought it would be a good idea to get the word out to the homeschooling community as well. Anyone interested should call their office at 423-266-0260 to ask questions or set up a schedule.

Chattanooga Area Food Bank
The Chattanooga Area Food Bank is a fantastic place to get involved and help.  Students and parents can help by sorting donations, making food boxes and distributing food at their warehouse, as well as distributing food at mobile pantries.  Go to 
http://www.chattfoodbank.org/involved to learn more and sign up as a volunteer.