High School Workshops & Study Halls

Make the most of your time!

Course: ACT Workshop – Math Focus (fall semester only – 6 weeks)
Grade Level:
Day/Time: Tuesday 1:50 – 3:20pm

  • Fall Semester – September 17 through October 22 in preparation for the October 26, 2024 test.

Instructor: Carla Stevenson
Cost: $140 + $30 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Buy new and NOT used since the book has several tests.  Order from Amazon and other book websites.

  • The Official ACT Prep Guide 2023-2024 by ACT (1st edition), ISBN: 978-1394196500

Supply List: Notebook, notebook paper & pencils
Description: Is your student equipped with the test-taking tools needed to confidently complete the ACT? Further, is your student wanting, or better yet, needing to improve his or her ACT score? This six week workshop is designed to help students prepare for and improve upon the math section of the ACT.  Students will review concepts from Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II that are covered on the ACT, as well as learn math test-taking strategies to help improve their score. Students will have the opportunity to work on accuracy and speed for the math section of the test. Students will learn ACT-test content, structure, and format information. Additional techniques and hints to more effectively use the TI84 calculator will be covered.

Course: ACT Workshop – Rhetoric skills for English, Reading Comprehension, and Essay Writing (fall semester only – 6 weeks)
Grade Level:
Day/Time: Tuesday 3:30 – 5:00pm

  • Fall Semester – September 17 through October 22 in preparation for the October 26, 2024 test.

Instructor: Olivia Oster
Cost: $140 + $30 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Buy new and NOT used since the book has several tests. Order from Amazon and other book websites.

  • The Official ACT Prep Guide 2023-2024 by ACT (1st edition), ISBN: 978-1394196500 

Supply List: Notebook, notebook paper & pencils
Description: Is your student equipped with the test-taking tools needed to confidently complete the ACT? Further, is your student wanting, or better yet, needing to improve his or her ACT score? This six week workshop will introduce your student to four of the five major sections involved in the ACT, while giving strategies to tackle each one. The primary focus of the workshop will address rhetoric skills, reading comprehension and essay writing, with some attention to science reasoning. Our aim is to help students prepare for and improve upon the rhetoric, reading and writing portion of the test. The math section will be administered in our “Math Focus” ACT workshop.  Students will have the opportunity to work on accuracy and speed with the English, reading, and essay sections. The book provides six (6) previously administered, full-length ACT tests written by the actual test maker, plus bonus online content. Students will learn ACT-test content, structure, and format information. 

Study Halls
Grade Level:

Tuesday: 8:35 – 9:50am* OR 10:00 – 10:25am OR 10:00 – 10:40am OR 10:00am - 12:00pm* OR 12:30 – 1:45pm* OR 1:55 – 2:20pm OR 2:25 - 3:10pm* OR 1:55 – 3:10pm*

Wednesday: 9:00 – 10:30am* OR 10:40am – 12:10pm OR 12:40 – 2:10pm OR 2:20 – 3:50pm*

Thursday: 8:35 – 9:50am* OR 10:00 – 10:25am OR 10:00 – 10:40am OR 10:00am – 12:00pm* OR 12:30 – 1:45pm* OR 1:55 – 2:20pm OR 2:25 - 3:10pm* OR 1:55 – 3:10pm*

Supervisor: HHL Staff

  • FREE tuition for any 25 minute session on Tuesday and/or Thursday + $5 application fee

  • $10 per month for any 40-45 minute session on Tuesday or Thursday + $10 application fee

  • $16 per month for any 75 minute session on Tuesday or Thursday + $10 application fee

  • $21 per month for any 90 minute session on Wednesday + $10 application fee

  • $23 per month for the 120 minute (2 hour) session on Tuesday or Thursday + $10 application fee

Description: This opportunity is only available to students who have a class before AND after the study hall. If your child has a break in-between classes that is longer than our 10 minute transition (not including the lunch hour), and you would like for your child to stay on campus, you must apply for a corresponding study hall. It is our hope and desire for the student to make the most of this occasion, using the time to study diligently, take a mental break, or read quietly.

*If your child needs to stay on campus during this time for car-pooling purposes, they have a sibling in a class at this time, or it’s necessary for them to be at HHL for logistical situations, you may apply for any of the indicated study halls.