High School Mathematics
College prep math your student CAN do well in!
Course: Algebra I
Grade Level: 9-10 (Advanced 8th graders may apply if they have had a full year of Pre-Algebra)
Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday 10:45am – 12:00pm OR Tuesday and Thursday 12:30pm – 1:45pm OR Tuesday and Thursday 2:25 – 3:40pm
Instructors: Rachel Scott & Beverly Good*
Cost: $86 per month + $50 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Shop used online at Amazon and AbeBooks. NOTE: We can provide this book for a $30 rental fee for the school year.
Elementary Algebra by Larson and Hostetler (4th Ed.), ISBN: 0-618-38817-6 OR 0-618-75353-2
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, loose leaf notebook paper, 4 binder dividers, pencils, a pack of graph paper, ruler or straight edge, ink pen (any color is fine as long as it is not erasable), access to a calculator at home
Description: This is a college-prep Algebra I course. Students will transition from manipulation of known numbers to finding an unknown value that is represented by a variable. It is the starting point for learning mathematical symbolic reasoning. Topics covered include a review of the arithmetic skills needed to succeed in algebra, monomials and polynomial expressions, factoring to simplify and solve equations, solving and graphing linear and quadratic equations, and developing critical problem-solving skills by applying algebraic concepts to practical situations. This course provides the foundation for success in advanced math courses. Homework will be assigned at each class and will be due at the beginning of the next class, while a quiz or test will be given about every two-three weeks.
Prerequisite: We recommend that students who want to take Algebra I need to have received a grade of 80% or higher in Pre-Algebra.
Tutoring: Ms. Scott will be in her classroom from 10:00 – 10:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help students when they are stuck on a problem or concept and needing extra instruction. This is a free service for any student taking any section of Algebra I.
*Mrs. Good teaches small sections of Algebra 1 from 10:45am-12:00pm, 12:30pm-1:45pm and 2:25 - 3:40pm.
Course: Geometry
Grade Level: 9-11
Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday 10:45am – 12:00pm OR Tuesday and Thursday 12:30 – 1:45pm
Instructor: Sherrie Forrest
Cost: $86 per month + $50 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Call 1-800-462-6595 to order or buy used online.
McDougal Littell Geometry, ISBN: 0395937779
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, notebook paper, binder dividers, pencils, a pack of graph paper, calculator with Trig Functions (SIN, COS, TAN)
Description: This college-prep Geometry course develops reasoning and problem-solving skills through the exploration of measurement, proofs, congruence, similarity, and area. Students will apply properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals and circles to many problems involving algebra and use in real life. In addition to excellent classroom teaching, some online teaching resources (videos & examples) will be used to enhance the class and help students when they are working on their own. Written homework will be assigned at the end of each class and online assignments will be used to check for understanding. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter, every few weeks. Internet access is required.
Prerequisite: We recommend that students who want to take Geometry need to have received a grade of 80% or higher in Algebra I.
Tutoring: Mrs. Forrest will be in her classroom from 10:00 – 10:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help students when they are stuck on a problem or concept and needing extra instruction. This is a free service for any student taking either section of Geometry.
Course: Algebra II
Grade Level: 10-12
Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday 8:35 – 9:50am OR Tuesday and Thursday 12:30 – 1:45pm
Instructor: Rachel Scott
Cost: $86 per month + $50 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Shop used online at Amazon, AbeBooks, eBay, etc. NOTE: Please make sure you do not buy the instructor’s book! Students will need a calculator that does basic functions including logarithms ($15 Casio is fine).
Intermediate Algebra: Graphs and Functions by Larson, Hostetler, and Neptune (3rd Ed.), 2002, ISBN: 0618218785
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, loose leaf notebook paper, 4 binder dividers, a pack of graph paper, pencils, ruler or straight edge, ink pen (any color is fine as long as it is not erasable), a basin non-graphing calculator with “log” and “in” buttons
Description: This is a college-prep Algebra II course. Advanced algebraic concepts such as linear, quadratic, and polynomial functions, rational expressions, systems of linear equations, complex numbers, and matrices will be studied. Students will also explore exponential and logarithmic functions, and graphing by hand. Homework will be given at each class and will be due at the beginning of the next class, while a quiz or test will be given every two-three weeks. Internet access is required.
Prerequisite: We recommend that students who want to take Algebra II need to have received a grade of 80% or higher in Algebra I.
Tutoring: Ms. Scott will be in her classroom from 10:00 – 10:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help students when they are stuck on a problem or concept and needing extra instruction. This is a free service for any student taking either section of Algebra II.
Course: Pre-Calculus
Grade Level: 11-12
Day/Time: Tuesday and Thursday 12:30 – 1:45pm
Instructor: Heather Taylor
Cost: $88 per month + $50 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Shop used online at Amazon, AbeBooks, eBay, etc.
Pre-Calculus by Robert Blitzer (3rd Ed.), ISBN: 9780131959934
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, notebook paper, binder dividers, a pack of graph paper, pencils, and a graphing calculator (Mrs. Taylor recommends the TI-84 Plus CE, but a TI-84 is good too)
Description: Students who have completed three years of high school math may enroll in Pre-Calculus to study (in depth) the concepts of function, trigonometry, vectors, logs and exponents. The course also includes an introduction to limits. A student completing Pre-Calculus will be prepared for a rigorous, college-level pre-calculus course or introductory calculus course. We will supplement the curriculum with a review of word problem skills, and we incorporate the graphing calculator in many of our homework assignments. In addition to excellent classroom teaching, online teaching resources (videos & examples) will be used to enhance the class and help students when they are working on their own to better understand the course material. Homework will be given at the end of each class, while quizzes and tests will be given every few weeks.
Prerequisites: We recommend that students who want to take Pre-Calculus need to have received a grade of 80% or higher in both Algebra II and Geometry.