High School History & Social Studies
Understanding where we’ve come from so we can engage with where we’re going…
Course: World Geography
Grade Level: 9-10 (advanced 8th graders may apply)
Day/Time: Wednesday 2:20 - 3:50pm
Instructor: TBA
Cost: $77 per month + $45 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Order used or new online through Amazon, Thrift Books, AbeBooks, or try McKay’s.
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, binder dividers, notebook paper, pencils, a set of colored pencils
Description: Get ready for an unforgettable journey across the globe. In this course, students will explore every country and region of the world, building a strong understanding of geography while uncovering the unique characteristics that shape each place. From climate and natural landscapes to government systems, economies, and cultural traditions, we’ll examine how geography influences history, politics, and daily life. This class is more than just memorizing maps—it encourages students to see the world through a new lens, one that highlights God’s incredible design and our role as stewards of His creation. Engaging discussions, hands-on map work, research projects, and interactive presentations will bring each region to life. As a highlight of the course, students will participate in a Cultural Fair, where they will showcase their learning through food, traditions, and creative presentations. Prepare for an exciting adventure around the world—no passport required!
Course: World History
Grade Level: 9-12
Day/Time: Wednesday 12:40 - 2:10pm
Instructor: TBA
Cost: $84 per month + $45 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Order used or new online through Amazon, Thrift Books, AbeBooks, or try McKay’s.
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, binder dividers, notebook paper, and pencils
Description: History is more than just names and dates—it’s the story of humanity, woven together by God’s sovereign hand. In this course, students will embark on a journey from Creation to the present, exploring the civilizations, cultures, and movements that have shaped the world. With a Biblical worldview as our foundation, we’ll uncover how past events continue to influence our lives today. Studying world history gives us a deeper understanding of who we are, connects us to our cultural heritage, and equips us for the future. Most importantly, history declares God’s glory; He is the author of it all, and this is His Story! Beginning with the ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Greeks, students will explore the rise and fall of great civilizations, including the Roman Empire. From there, we’ll move through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and into the modern era, tracing the ideas, discoveries, and people that have shaped politics, science, philosophy, religion, and culture. This course isn’t just about memorizing facts, but about engaging with history in meaningful ways. Through discussions, hands-on projects, and interactive learning experiences, students will analyze the past and make connections to the present. Get ready to dive into the rich and dynamic story of the past—one that continues to shape the world around us today.
Course: Honors U.S. History
Grade Level: 9-12
Day/Time: Wednesday 9:00 – 10:30am
Instructor: Pam Fields
Cost: $84 per month + $50 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Order used online through Amazon, eBay, AbeBooks, Thrift Books, or try McKay’s
United States History for Christian Schools, Bob Jones’ (3rd Ed.), ISBN: 1-59166-424-1
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, binder dividers, notebook paper, and pencils
Description: This class is recommended if your high school student is a strong academic student and/or has enjoyed and excelled in previous classes with Mrs. Fields. The same class Mrs. Fields has taught for the past 20 years at Hilger is now designated as an Honors Level Class. This is a comprehensive, college-prep U.S. History course designed to survey the history of our nation from the era of exploration and discovery of the new world to the present day in order to give students a solid foundation of knowledge about the true heritage of our great nation. Students will study American history through the lens of a biblical worldview, utilizing a classical discussion-oriented approach to instruction. Why study history? History prepares us for the future; history helps us understand who we are and gives us cultural identity; history declares God’s glory. He is the ultimate historian, and it is His story! Beginning with exploration and colonization, we will trace U.S. history through the revolutionary and Constitutional founding era, the Jeffersonian and Jacksonian eras, Manifest Destiny, the Civil War, American expansion, the World Wars, Roaring Twenties, Great Depression, Space Race, and Cold War. Through our studies, students will discover the political, economic, philosophical, religious, and artistic forces and major individuals that have shaped our nation’s history. Weekly homework assignments, discussions, map work, tests, research, essays, and field trips combine to offer a rewarding class experience. History is brought to life through a multitude of fantastic field trips, which may include Constitution Day at the courthouse, touring the Columbus ships, a local Civil War Living History Day, and the Coolidge Medal of Honor Heritage Center.
Course: U.S. History
Grade Level: 9-12
Day/Time: Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30am
Instructor: TBA
Cost: $84 per month + $45 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Order used or new online through Amazon, Thrift Books, AbeBooks, or try McKay’s.
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, binder dividers, notebook paper, and pencils
Description: Explore the story of America and how it became the nation it is today! This course takes students on a journey from the early days of exploration and colonization through the events, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped our country. We’ll learn about the people, ideas, and movements that played a role in forming the United States, all while viewing history through a Biblical perspective that highlights God’s sovereignty over time. History matters because it helps us understand where we came from, connects us to our heritage, and shows us how past decisions continue to impact our world today. Students will study major events such as the Revolutionary War, the drafting of the Constitution, westward expansion, the Civil War, industrialization, the World Wars, the Great Depression, and the Cold War while exploring the political, cultural, and social changes that shaped American life. This course is designed to be interactive and engaging, using class discussions, group activities, and projects to help students connect with history in meaningful ways. Rather than focusing on memorization, students will analyze key historical themes, think critically about past events, and make connections to modern society. By the end of the year, they will walk away with a deeper understanding of American history and its relevance to their own lives.
Course: Honors Government (fall semester only)
Grade Level: 10-12
Day/Time: Wednesday 10:40am - 12:10pm
Instructor: Pam Fields
Cost: $84 per month + $25 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Book: Order used or new online through Amazon, Thrift Books, AbeBooks, or try McKay’s.
American Government for Christian Schools, Bob Jones’ (2nd ed.), ISBN: 1-57924-685-0
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, binder dividers, notebook paper, and pencils
Description: This is a comprehensive, college-prep American Government course designed to prepare students to understand our nation’s form of limited government, his/her responsibilities to this government, and preparation for responsible citizenship and participation in America’s government. It is strongly recommended that high school U.S. History be taken prior to this course in order to have a well-established understanding of our nation’s history before studying its government. Beginning with a study of the foundation of government and the various forms of government, students will study American Government through the lens of a Biblical worldview, utilizing a classical discussion-oriented approach to instruction. We will explore and discuss the principles and mechanics of a constitutional republic. Studies will include the Constitutional Convention, in-depth insights into the three branches of government, political parties, elections, the electoral college, foreign and domestic policy, civil rights and civil responsibilities. Weekly homework assignments, discussions, tests, essays, speakers, and field trips combine to offer a rewarding class experience. Attendance at Constitution Day at the Courthouse and at the annual Constitution Day speaker event at UTC both offer excellent opportunities to gain further insight and practical knowledge of how our constitutional republic is designed to function.
Course: Honors Economics (spring semester only)
Grade Level: 10-12
Day/Time: Wednesday 10:40am - 12:10 pm
Instructor: Pam Fields
Cost: $84 per month + $25 application fee
Online Availability: Students can enroll in this class as an Online Real Time student, pending teacher approval.
Books: Order used or new online through Amazon, Thrift Books, AbeBooks, or try McKay’s..
A Biblical Economics Manifesto: Economics and the Christian Worldview by Dr. James P. Gills and Dr. Ronald H. Nash, ISBN: 0884198715
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? (5th Ed or more recent) by Richard Maybury
Common Sense Economics: What Everyone Should Know About Wealth and Prosperity by Gwartney, Stroup, and Lee; ISBN: 031233818-X
Crown/Compass Financial: Your Money Counts by Howard Dayton, ISBN: 9780842385923
Do not order the workbook.
Supply List: 1” three-ring binder, binder dividers, notebook paper, pencils, and a variety pack of colored pencils
Description: Economics will present an interesting, logical, uncomplicated examination of comparative economic systems and the laws/principles that govern them. We will build a case for free-market capitalism as the economic system most compatible with a Biblical worldview and consider it in the current battle of ideas for the global economy. Throughout this process, we will study economic theories and principles and the personal (consumer) level and their application to the broader demands of government. We will also consider the consequences of popular economic myths/fallacies. Students will also examine the biblical principles of money, wealth, and stewardship with regard to income, debt, budgeting, giving, and saving/investing.